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Name: SCOTT, Henry Edwin (Rev. Dr.)

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Birth Date: 2.3.1864 Edinburgh

Death Date: 11.4.1911 Kikuyu, dysentery and malaria

First Date: 1907

Profession: In 1890 went to Nyasaland but during sick leave in UK in 1907 he was urgently asked to go to Church of Scotland Mission at Kikuyu on the sudden death of Dr Ruffelle Scott

Area: Kikuyu, Thogoto

Married: In Domasi, Nyasaland 13 Oct 1892 Isabelle Govan b. 6 Feb 1867 Edinburgh, d. 19 June 1939, buried in Church of the Torch, Kikuyu

Book Reference: Gillett, SE, Scotland, Bovill, Tignor, Hut, Playne, Drumkey, Land, Barnes, Chogoria, Red Book 1912

School: Royal High School, University of Edinburgh MA, LRCP

General Information:

SE - Dr H.E. Scott - CSM - Kikuyu - Sept 1908
With his wife he arrived at Kikuyu on Dec 28th 1907 and proved himself to be a wise administrator who accomplished great developments for the Mission. His untiring efforts taxed his health and he died in 1911     
Bovill - The Scott Labs were originally a sanatorium to commemorate Dr. Henry Scott of the Church of Scotland Mission. Presented to the Government by Sir N. MacMillan
Drumkey 1909 - Church of Scotland Mission - Rev. Dr. Henry E. Scott, Superintendent & Mrs Scott
Land 1909 - Rev. H.E. Scott - Church of Scotland, 1593 acre - Nairobi - 5/9/08 - Leasehold for 99 years from 1/7/09 - Registered 2/8/09
Barnes - Kikuyu Cemetery - "blessed are the pure in heart" in beloved memory of the Rev Henry Edwin Scott MA, LRCP & SE died April 11th 1911 aged 47 Mbeu ingiaga kuhandwo mugunda igakua ndingimera no ingikua yaciara maciaro maingi. Also his wife Isabelle Govan, died June 19 1939, aged 72 "unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it remains alone but if it dies it produces much grains" from John 12.24
Red Book 1912 - H. Scott - Kyambu
Old Africa - 20-3-16 - Christine Nicholls - In 1912 it was felt that there was a need for a sanatorium in Nairobi for white settlers, and the idea for the Scott Sanatorium took root. What was the origin of its name? It was named for the Rev. Henry Edwin Scott, LRCP and SE, a medical missionary. Dr. Scott, who died in 1911 in his forty-eighth year, was educated at the Royal High School and the University of Edinburgh. He was a distinguished football player and a good all-round athlete. He had been a missionary of the Church of Scotland since 1890 and was first stationed at Nyasaland. In December 1907 he was transferred to Kikuyu, British East Africa, to act as the head of the Church of Scotland Mission there. He took a prominent place in the public life of the community. He was a member of the Government Board of Education, and the Government also called on him for advice in connection with native affairs. He also helped to found the YMCA in Nairobi. He was so honoured and respected by the local community that they named the Scott Memorial Sanatorium after him.

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