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Name: BINNS, Harry Kerr (Rev. Canon)

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Birth Date: 29.3.1852 Whittington, Worcester

Death Date: 20.2.1935 Penselwood Bornton, Somerset

Nationality: British

First Date: 1875

Profession: Missionary

Area: Rabai and Shimba, Freretown, Mombasa,

Married: In Worcester 13 Feb 1878 Anna Katharine Ferrar b. 16.7.1850 Ross, Tasmania, d. 16 Dec 1944 Penselwood, Somerset

Children: Alexander (1881 Rabai); Elizabeth Marion (b. Tasmania); Eleanor Katherine (Shepherd) (Freretown June 1883); Bessie Florence (Coad) (25 Sep 1884 Tasmania); Anna May (10.7.1887 Pershore); Grace Liilian (29 Dec 1889 Taunton-1967 Devizes) (m. Alfred Edward Clarke)

Book Reference: Gillett, Watt, Thomson, Tucker, EAHB 1905, Red 25, Hall, North, EA Diary 1903, Drumkey, Red 22, EAHB 1906, CMS, Nicholls, Gazette, Foster, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907

School: Worcester Cathedral School

General Information:

He devoted the major part of his life to the services of the CMS at Freretown, Mombasa, and did wonderful work, exerting a beneficial and Christian influence over the natives by his methods of education.
He contributed much to the alleviation of disease and ailments by the medical treatment given in his Mission Dispensaries and also inspired sufficient knowledge in carpentry, building, brick-making and other trades to enable them to obtain useful employment.
Watt - Sent a letter to the Watts when they were going to set up their independent mission, saying that he thought it would be a great mistake to take Mrs Watt and the children into such a place.
Thomson - The Rev. Mr Binns, who on my previous visit hed been up at Ndara, in Teita, forming a mission station, had now returned, and he was able to give me some valuable information about the state of the road so far.
Tucker - 1896 - Freretown Church - largely subscribed by the family of late Sir Bartle Frere and completed under supervision of Mr Binns
Hall - Missionaries at Mombasa photo 1895 - Mr & Mrs Binns
North - From Worcester; aged 23, dep London for Mombasa 9-12-1875; Rabai and Shimba; daughter born Freretown, Eleanor Katherine, June 1883; Secretary of Mission at Coast 1893; daughter born at Freretown Jan/Feb 1890
CMS 1875 - Age 23. Of Worcester. Worcester Cathedral School, and 1873, at CM College. 1875, Sept 19 Deacon and 1878, March 17 Priest by Archbishop of Canterbury. 1875, Dec 9 to Mombasa, East Africa; 1876 Rabai; 1877 June 23 invalided to England, shipwrecked on this voyage; 1878, Aug 29 to East Africa - Rabai. 1882-83 Frere Town; 1883 Dec 26 to Tasmania on furlough; 1886 to E. Eq. Africa Mission - Rabai; 1887 Shimba; 1888 Feb 15 to England; 1889 Nov 5 to E. Eq. Africa Mission - Mombasa; Secretary of the Mission. 1893, Mar 23 to England; 1894, June 28 to EA. Relative of Henry Charles Binns, CMS Missionary to Sierra Leone. Married 1878, Feb 13 Anna Katharine Ferrar. [Notes by Roy Dunstan] 1900 Apr 9 to England; 1901 Mar 3 to Frere Town; 1905 May 14 to England; 1906 Feb 23 to Mombasa acting Secretary; 1909 Acting Archdeacon of Mombasa; 1910 Archdeacon; 1910 Oct 12 to Tasmania; 1911 Sept returned to Frere Town; 1922 Feb 1 Freretown; 1923 Feb 13 resignation accepted; 1923 March Hon. Canon Mombasa Cathedral; 1923 May 8 to UK; 1935 Feb 20 died at Penselwood Bornton, Dorset. Personal Grants Commission sanctioned  £150 pa to Mrs Binns from 20/8/33. She died Penselwood Dec 16 1944.  Their daughter, Mrs E.K.F. Shepherd was born Mombasa 1883. Married 1908 to Dr Richard Kenneth Shepherd, CMS Missionary at Mzizime Hospital Mombasa. They left Kenya in 1922 and settled in Cardiff where Dr. Shepherd died in 1944. She died in Nairobi July 11 1955 when staying with a daughter Miss Nancy Shepherd of Kenya Government Community Development.
Nicholls - valued the ringing of the bell hourly at Rabai as it helped to keep away his feelings of solitariness in a foreign land.
Gazette - Issued with Bird Licence at Mombasa during semester ending 30/6/1902
Rabai - Canon Binns, who spent 32 years with CMS at the coast, declared that he had never entertained or been entertained by a British official in all that time.
Mary Bazett (later Leakey) - letter home 26/11/1892 - "Mr Binns is a man whom I know I shall greatly respect and love.  … all his looks and words show how fully he is following Christ. It is sweet to see his tender love for the children."

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