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Name: HART, Harold Charles (Capt.)
Nee: eldest son of Col. Reginald Clare Hart VC, bro of Reginald Seton Hart
Birth Date: 30.3.1874 Allahabad, India
Death Date: 16.3.1950 Colchester
First Date: 1903
Profession: Commissioned in 3/KAR, v. distinguished service in EA.
Area: Kismayu, Nairobi
Married: In Richmond, Yorks. 1920 Ethel Theresa Dorothy Dowell b. 1 Dec 1898 Mumbai, d. 8 Apr 1974 Colchester
Children: Harold Reginald Dowell (14 May 1921 Richmond, Yorks-1988)
Book Reference: Gillett, Kenya Diary, EAHB 1905, North, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, Fox Davies
War Service: Royal West Surrey Regt./3 KAR
General Information:
Drumkey 1909 - Subaltern, 3rd KAR; Captain, Royal Warwickshire
North - Royal Warwickshire Regt.; Sent to Somaliland Feb 1903; resident at Gobwen 30-9-1904, 31-12-1904; Public Officer's Game Licence, Kisumu 11-12-1905; Nandi Field Force at Ketparak 26-12-1905; 'entirely unfitted to command native troops' (Meinertzhagen, RH)
EAHB 1904 - Residents at Mumias - Hart, Captain H.
EAHB 1905 - 3rd KAR, Kismayu
1939 England and Wales Register living in Lexden, Essex, with wife, as retired army officer