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Name: ROSENBLUM, Zolman

Birth Date: 1849

Death Date: 9.10.1921 Nairobi

First Date: 1905

Profession: Storekeeper

Area: Hardinge St., Nairobi, Limuru

Married: Blume b. 1843, d. 3 Mar 1915 Nairobi

Book Reference: KAD, Barnes, Red Book 1912, North, Glimpses, EAHB 1906, Jews

General Information:

Nairobi South cemetery - Zolman Rosenblum, died 9 Oct 1921 AND Blume Rosenblum 1843-30 Mar 1915
Red Book 1912 - Z. Rosenbloom - Kyambu
North - Zolum [sic] Rosenblum, trader, died of heart disease
Jews - The first minutes of the Congregation are dated 17 September, 1907, S. Rosemblum [sic] was in the chair and eleven other people attended, so that there may have been something like 15 Jews in the country at that time.
Glimpses - The year 1906 saw more arrivals of Jews from South Africa. ………… An S. Rosenblum (or Rosenbloom) arrived and went into partnership with Abraham Block on his farm.
Glimpses - In 1907 Abraham Block's farming partner, Rosenblum, opened a general store specifically to trade with Africans.
Red Book 1912 - S. Rosenbloom -  Kyambu
Szlapak - Elected to Committee of Nairobi Hebrew Congregation at first meeting 17 Sept 1907

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