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Name: HILTON, Thomas
Birth Date: 1871
Death Date: 4 Dec 1938 Nairobi
First Date: 1904 March
Last Date: 1938
Profession: Auctioneer and shipping agent, established Import agency, farmer
Area: Nairobi, Mombasa, Kahawa (farm), Hut 1937 Welivere
Married: Emilie Delap née Beckett b.1873, d. 22 Aug 1944
Children: Aline Grace (July 1900 Hastings); William Alfred (21.9.1905 Nairobi, bapt. Mombasa 28.12.1905-1982 Harare)
Author: 'Snips Without Snaps of Kenya' c. 1927 by Emilie Delap-Hilton
Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Playne, Pioneers, Drumkey, Land, EAHB 1906, Gazette, Barnes, North, EAHB 1907, SKP, Barnes, Leader14, Red Book 1912
General Information:
Playne - T. Hilton & Son - 'In a central position, close to the Club, are the premises of this firm, who, among other things, are auctioneers to the Government, and hold weekly sales of all classes of goods. ..... agents ....... The packing of trophies and the handling of safaris are also undertaken. Messrs Hilton & Son are, beside this, estate agents, passengers' and baggage agents (bureau for travellers), and exporters of local produce. A very special line is the clearing and forwarding department and coast agency generally.
The business was founded by Mr Hilton in 1904 on his arrival from Rhodesia, where he had been in business for some years. A branch will be established shortly in Nairobi. He owns some 300 acres on the coast, where he intends to plant rubber and cocoanuts.
Drumkey 1909 - Auctioneer - Main Street, Mombasa
Land - T. Hilton leased 5210 acres at Londiani, passed to J. Montgomerie
Land - 1911 - Thos. Hilton - Building plot, 8800 sq.ft. - Mombasa Island - 20/11/07 - Leasehold for 25 years from 1/1/09 - Registered 18/4/11
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Nairobi District - T. Hilton, Merchant
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Thomas Hilton, British, age 66, died 4/12/38
Nairobi City Park Cemetery Emily Dewlap [sic] Hilton d. 22 Aug 1944 Nairobi. Inscription: Emily Dewlap Hilton / died 22.8.1944 / age 77 / darling old lady / rest in peace
EAMR - EA Prison Guard, Corporal, No. 7409
North - arr. EA with wife Emilie Delap née Beckett, and daughter (A.) 1904; at Nairobi and engaged to manage 'The Grand Hotel' Mombasa 18-2-1905; wife arrived Mombasa March 1905; son born William Alfred, Nairobi, 21-9-1905
SKP - 1938 - Society of Kenya Pioneers - over 30 years in Colony - Mr & Mrs Hilton both arrived in March 1904 - Kahawa
Red Book 1912 - T. Hilton - Nairobi - Commission & Forwarding Agent
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Kiambu Voters Roll