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Name: TURNBULL, Alan Eyre

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Birth Date: 3 Feb 1881 Nelson, New Zealand

Death Date: 25 Sep 1956 Cape Province, S. Africa

First Date: 1922

Profession: PWD surveyor and engineer

Area: Merrydown Estate; Hoey's Bridge; Chunya, Tanganyika

Married: In Argentina 1901 Mildred Louise Harrington b. 18 July 1877 Christchurch, New Zealand, d. 8 Jan 1960 Bentleigh, Victoria, Australia

Children: Isobel Mary (1 Aug 1907 Clifton, Glos.-20 July 2005 Wellington, N. Zealand); Marjorie Julia (3 Aug 1908 Brit. Columbia); Andrew Rutherford (5 July 1910 Brit. Columbia-14 Nov 1977 Ormond, Vic., Australia); Hugh Douglas (16 July 1914 Vancouver-16 Sep 2017 Wellington, N. Zealand)

Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Pioneer Spirit

War Service: SA War 1899-1902, NZ Mounted Infantry in WW1, Canadian Forces and RASC in France, KAR

School: Nelson College, New Zealand

General Information:

Pioneer Spirit - Ivan [Mitford-Barberton] - After living for some years in his new house [Merrowdown] doing perhaps more sculpture than serious farming, Ivan became restless. ……….. He decided to sell the western part of the farm and this was bought by Alan E. Turnbull. Ivan went to London to study art and I [Raymond M-B] was left with his Power of Attorney. Alan Turnbull sent for me to Eldoret to receive one of the payments and I had to wait several days whilst he sobered up sufficiently to sign the cheque.
KAD 1922 - Assistant Engineer, PWD, Eldoret.
Red 25 - Farmer, Soy
Gazette  6 Dec 1938 Uasin Gishu Voters Roll expunged
Not in 1926 Blue Book
Went to school in New Zealand
1911 Census of Canada
Ancestry Passenger list of 1955 Dar es Salaam - London gives birthdate as 13.6.1872
Cape Town Probate Records for death

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