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Name: HUME-HENDERSON, Harold Gordon
Birth Date: 15.8.1878 Hyderabad, India
Death Date: 1937 Hammersmith, London
First Date: 1900
Last Date: 1906
Profession: Asst Collector EAP, 1902/06 Dep. Inspector-General of Police in charge of the Indian Railway Police
Area: Nairobi
Married: In Nairobi 3.7.1905 Rosalie Marie Seirwright b. 1883, d. Kansas (div. 1911 USA, later m. Paul P. Roberts b. 1885)
Children: Eric George Rutherford Howard (29 Aug 1906 Ballinrobe, Mayo-1962); Anne Jeanette (1908 Transylvania)
Book Reference: Gillett, Cuckoo, Police, EAHB 1905, Playne, EA Diary 1903, EAS, EA Diary 1902, EAHB 1904, North, Land, Red 25
War Service: W. Riding Regt.
School: Loreto, Edinburgh
General Information:
Land Grant 1905? - Building, 1 acre - Nairobi Hill - Mar 8 - Leasehold. Further Grant - Residence, 10 acres - Kikuyu Road.
Red 25 has H.H. Henderson, Deputy Inspector General of Police 1902-1906. [See Hulme-Henderson ]
Police - An Asst. Collector in the Administration he was appointed Acting Inspector General of Police, in 1902, until the arrival from India of Farquhar's successor. Hulme-Henderson had come from India to take up an appointment as Asst. Collector, but had little or no previous experience of Police duties and was content to do nothing material in the way of reorganizing or co-ordinating the various Police units into a single force. The situation continued static to the close of 1902, so that 6 or more months of valuable time had completely been wasted. ....... When McCaskill arrived to take command Hulme-Henderson was appointed Deputy Inspector General of Police and given the supervision of the Railway Police, which still operated as a separate force. He was stationed at Nairobi. He devoted little of his time to Police work but chiefly concerned himself with maintaining a large stable and in being Master of Fox Hounds of the Nairobi Hunt - a pack of hounds imported by the officers of the 3rd Battalion of the KAR, then stationed at Nairobi. Subsequently the KAR handed over the pack to Hulme-Henderson and the Chief Game Ranger, A. Blayney Percival, to manage on behalf of the European population of the rapidly growing township.
EAHB 1905 - Assistant Collector, EAP, Sept. 3rd 1900; Acting Inspector-General of Police, Sept. 30th 1902 to Jan. 2nd 1903; Deputy Inspector-General of Police October 1st 1902.
Playne - The next officer in command of the EA Police was Mr H.H. Henderson, at that time an Assistant-Collector in the Administration, who was appointed Acting Inspector-General until the arrival of Captain McCaskill, of the regiment of Guides, who took command of the force on Dec. 6, 1902, with Mr Henderson as his deputy. .......... In January 1906, Mr Henderson's connection with the force was severed. ....….…
EAS - 15/1/1903 - Nairobi Races - Entries - Nairobi Hurdle Race - Corinthian - H.H. Henderson
EAS - 29/1/1903 - Mr H.H. Henderson, Police Superintendent came down on Tuesday with his horse, Corinthian
EAS - 29/1/1903 - Nairobi Races - Race 1 - Mr Henderson's Corinthian, nominated by Mrs Cooper ridden by owner
EA Diary 1902 - Listed as Assistant District Officer
EA Diary 1903 - Asst. Collector, EA Protectorate, Sept. 3 1900
Cuckoo - 1905/6 resigned and left the country for good.
Police - Left the Force in Jan 1906. Keen sportsman, Master of 'Nairobi Hunt' in 1905
North - Appt. Asst. District Officer; Takaungu Dist March 1902; dep. Malindi for Mombasa on appt. as Additional Inspector General of Police, EAP, 20/8/1902
North - 'not much good as a District Officer but should make a smart policeman' (Eliot, FO 2) 1-10-1902; Land Grant application, Nairobi Hill & Kikuyu 8-3-1904; appt. Acting Inspector General of Police 13-2-1905; 'should be removed, quite incapable as a police officer' (Stewart CO 533) 2-4-1905; Married at Nairobi 3-7-1905; travelled with wife & sister from Nairobi to Mombasa - 2 months' leave 4-10-1905; Found to be heavily in debt (had left his sister at Mombasa without ticket or money) recommended not to be allowed to return by F.J. Jackson 26-10-1905; Requested to be allowed to resign rather than be sacked 30-11-1905; end of appt. 8-12-1905
The African Standard - 26-2-1903 - Invited to the wedding of H.R. Phelips & Miss Jacquette Edith Lambe in Mombasa