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Name: IMPEY, Arthur Douglas 'Doug'
Nee: nephew of Clifford Hill, son of Arthur Dalton Impey and Clarissa Ann née Hill
Birth Date: 14.1.1887 Salem, Cape, S. Africa
Death Date: 13.11.1954 Limuru
First Date: 1904 arrived with father when ostrich farming collapsed in SA
Last Date: 1954
Profession: Farmer, horticulturist, breeder of polo ponies
Area: 1st camped near Chiromo, Hope Farm, Limuru from 1905
Married: Lillian Mary b. 1903 (formerly Mrs Humphreys and later m. Sherlock Holmes)
Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, EAWL, Golf, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Playne, EA & Rhodesia, Red 22, LGS, Land, Gazette, Racing, Medals, North, Machakos, Barnes, Leader14, Red Book 1912
War Service: WW1 with EAMR - B Sqdn. 8/8/14 - Cpl. 26/9/14; Sergt. 6/12/15; to EASC
General Information:
SE - A.D. Impey - July 1907
'Returning to Kenya after school in 1933, Colin Belfrage boarded with Doug and his wife, living in a small wooden "guest house" at Hope farm which adjoined Thirlestone on 'B' Route (later Riara Ridge Road). Doug was acting as manager while our farm house was built and bush cleared etc. and he instructed Colin in farming. He had trekked up from SA with his parents by ox waggon about 1904, and had a wonderful photograph - or rather several joined together - of the wagon concerned. He became famous in the polo world and died about 1954. Hope farm also had an entrance on 'A' Route (Limuru Road) and the bridge just before this was known as Impey's bridge - perhaps it still is?' - Source: Mrs Colin Belfrage Playne - Hope Farm - Mr D. Impey came from Johannesburg in 1904, and his farm consists of 660 acres, and is 8 miles from Limoru Station and Fifteen and a half miles from Nairobi. He has only been on the farm 4 years owing to an initial difficulty with the Land Office. Mr Impey runs the farm with the help of his son.
East Africa & Rhodesia - 23/12/54 - Mr Arthur Douglas Impey, who has died on his Limuru farm at the age of 67, was born in South Africa, and had been a coffee grower, mixed and dairy farmer and horse breeder in Kenya since 1904. In the 1914-18 war he served in the East African Mounted Rifles, and in the last war he was district commander in the Limuru area. He had been a keen polo player and golfer. Mr Impey is survived by his widow.
LGS - Memories of Doreen Wardby née Tryon 1924-26 - Some time earlier my former Nanny had married Doug Impey, a well known Limuru resident; no doubt most of you remember Impey's Bridge on the way to Nairobi, named for him. Not every family in those days owned a car and Mr Impey …. Used to fetch me from school on the back of his motor bicycle, clinging on with my arms around his considerable girth.
Land - 1906 - A.D. Impey - Agricultural, 660 acres, Limuru, 25-4-04, Homestead, Registered 3-9-06
EAMR - Member of Officers' and Sergeants' Cricket Team - Christmas 1915 -
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Kiambu - A. Douglas Impey, Hope Farm, Limuru
Racing - Owner of 'Simon's Chip' - 1929 - Mrs A.D. Impey
Medals - East African Mounted Rifles, No. 101, Corporal
North - arr. Mombasa from SA via Lourenco Marques with wife 13-3-1904; Land Grant application, Kikuyu Road 24-3-1904
Limuru cemetery - 'Doug' Arthur Douglas Impey, died 13th November 1954, aged 67, Kenya 1904 - 1954
Red Book 1912 - A.D. Impey - Kyambu
Red Book 1912 - Committee Member - Limuru Farmers' Association
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Kikuyu - Arthur Douglas Impey, Farmer, Limoru and Arthur Dalton Impey, Farmer, Limoru
HBEA 1912 has J.D. Impey at Hope farm Limoru. Gravestone at Limuru says - 'In Kenya from 1904 to 1954'.
KAD 1922 - Committee Member, Limuru Farmers' Association.
EAMR - Photo - Sergeants' Mess
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Kiambu Voters Roll
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