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Name: ISHERWOOD, James 'Jimmy'

Nee: son of Jonathan Dearden and bro of William Isherwood
Birth Date: 1888 Ramsbottom, Lancs
Death Date: 2 Nov 1956 Nairobi
First Date: 1907 March
Last Date: 1956
Profession: Sanitary engineer
Area: Hardinge St., Nairobi
Married: 1. Bridget Winck who arrived in 1913; 2. Edith Geddes d. 5 June 1963 Nairobi
Children: Stanley James Geddes
Book Reference: Gillett, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Pioneers, Drumkey, Red 22, Ruiru, Gazette, Harmony, Barnes, SKP, Leader14, Red Book 1912
General Information:
Drumkey 1909 - Railway Dept. - Traffic Dept. - Guard, 1st Class - J. Isherwood ?
Ruiru - James Isherwood, died 28/2/1935, Engineer, Box 639 Nairobi
Barnes - James Isherwood was in partnership with his brother William, trading as Isherwood Bros., Civil, Sanitary and Hydraulic Engineers. They specialised in Water Supply and Purification, Sewerage Disposal for Farms and Factories and Industrial and Municipal Waste and Refuse Disposal. James became the third Master of the Lodge [Ruiru]. In 1924 he was Master of Lodge Harmony No. 3084 EC.
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Nairobi District - James Isherwood, Hardinge Street
Member of Lodge Harmony - Initiated 5/3/17, age 29, Plumber, Nairobi; Rejoined 2/2/42, age 54, Retired Sanitary Engineer
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - James Isherwood, British, age 68, died 2/11/56 and Edith Geddes Isherwood d. 5 June 1963. Inscription: in loving memory / of / James Isherwood / died 2nd November 1956 / and / Edith Geddes Isherwood / died 5th June 1963
SKP - 1938 - Society of Kenya Pioneers - over 30 years in Colony - arrived 1907 - Nairobi
Red Book 1912 - J. Isherwood - Mombasa
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Nairobi, South Area - James Isherwood - Sanitary Engineer, Hurlingham Road and Mrs Edith Geddes Isherwood - Hurlingham Road
Barnes - Founder Member of Lodge Ruiru
Great dog lover, 30 years a Show Judge, Pres. EA Kennel Club.
Gazette 17 June 1925 James and Edith Geddes Isherwood, Hurlingham Rd, Nairobi - he a Sanitary Engineer