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Name: LEWIS, Frank Lovell
Birth Date: 1888 Exeter
Death Date: 1955 Bridgend
First Date: 1914
Profession: Head Gardener, Govt. House. Red 31 has F.E. Lewis, Box 121, Nairobi
Area: Gilgil, Nairobi
Married: 1. Emma Horne b. 3 June 1878; 2. In Swansea 1936 Daisy Isabel Johnson b. 19 Sep 1907 Swansea, d. 1976 Swansea
Children: Norah Ellen (5 Feb 1918 Nairobi-2001 Derby)
Book Reference: Red 25, Red 31, Red 22, Barnes
War Service: KAR
General Information:
Red 22 - F. Lewis, Escarpment
Ancestry Passenger List 24 Mar 1925 Durban-London
Gazette 2/7/1919 - Application for Insolvency - Frank Lovell Lewis of Gilgil
Gazette 5/5/1920 - Declared Insolvent on his own petition.
Gazette 2/7/1919 - Application for Insolvency - Frank Lovell Lewis of Gilgil
Gazette 5/5/1920 - Declared Insolvent on his own petition.