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Name: HARRIS, Amos Lyles

Birth Date: 13 Aug 1887 Spartanburg, South Carolina
Death Date: 12 June 1956 Henderson, North Carolina
First Date: 1922
Profession: Farmer
Area: Eldoret, 1919 Njoro
Married: Jane Phizacklea Walker b. 9 Aug 1883 Ulverston, Lancs., d. 1 Apr 1973 Raleigh, N. Carolina, nurse
Children: Peter John (29 Mar 1925 Spartanburg-17 Feb 1996 Raleigh, Wake, N. Carolina); James Lyles (17 Nov 1923 Tamworth, Staffs.-8 May 2005)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 22, Red 25, Hut, Gazette
War Service: East African units
General Information:
Gazette 21/11/1917 - Dissolution of partnership between Owen Grant, Amos Lyles Harris and Harold Thaxton under the style or firm of 'The General Contracting and Transport Company'.
Gazette - 25/2/1930 - National Bank of India Nakuru - Money unclaimed for 10 years - Amos Lyal Harris
Medals has Amos Lyles Harris, East African units
Ancestry Passenger list 1923 Liverpool-New York for birthdate. Last perm. address South Carolina
1930 US census - his occup. is 'Editor'. 1940 census he is 'farmer'.
US Passport Application at Nairobi 1923 - resided in E Africa Feb 1913-17 July 1923. Is US citizen
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Njoro - A.L. Harries (British), Settler
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - A.L. Harries - Farmer - Njoro