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Name: HASSLER, Henry Herbert

Birth Date: 12.9.1880 Ephrata, Pennsylvania
Death Date: 9.12.1962 Lancaster, Pennsylvania
First Date: 1907
Profession: Gospel Missionary Society
Area: Chania Bridge, 1922 Kijabe, Drumkey - Kiambu
Married: In Kiambu 28.4.1908 Florence Josephine Pierce of the AIM b. 25.5.1870 Farmingham, Connecticut, d. 2.4.1972 Manassas, Virginia
Children: Bruce Showalter (6 Apr 1919 Brooklyn, New York-2008)
Book Reference: Red 25, Hut, Drumkey, Red 22, Gazette, Red Book 1912, Web
General Information:
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Kiambu - H.H. Hassler, A.I. Mission, Kambui, Kyb
Red Book 1912 - H.H. Hassler - Kyambu
Red Book 1912 - Africa Inland Mission - Ngenda with Mrs Hassler