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Name: HAWKINS, Longney

Nee: son of Harlan Hawkins
Birth Date: probably S. Africa where his father died in 1919
First Date: 1925
Profession: Farmer, contractor
Area: 1919 Kiaora, Ruiru
Married: 1932 Thelma Elsie Glassford b. 1911 New Zealand
Children: Brian Harlan (3 Feb 1932 Kenya-7 Feb 2006 Nairobi); dau.
Book Reference: Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Nicholls, Gazette
War Service: WW1 with EAMR - C Sqdn. 14/9/14 - To Scouts 19/6/15; Cpl. 4/9/15; Sergt 9/11/15 To KAR
General Information:
Nicholls - 1920 - Captain Longrey Hawkins, who lost 400 rupees in a robbery, was charged on three counts of causing 'grievous hurt'. He had tortured three African suspects by putting their fingers in a vice and tightening it until they confessed. One of the men died. Hawkins was sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment and fined 7,000 shillings. A subscription was quietly opened in several districts to pay his fine, and he served his sentence.
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Kikuyu - Longney Hawkins, Settler, Kiarora, PO Ruiru
EAMR - Photo - The EAMR Scouts. Photo - Sergeants' Mess
Gazette - 18/3/1930 - Bankruptcy Ordinance - Longney Hawkins lately residing at Nanyuki and carrying on business at Nanyuki - debtor's petition
Gazette - 11/4/1933 - Bankruptcy Trustee released 6 March 1933
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Nyanza Voters List
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Aberdare Voters List
Gazette 27 Feb 1945 Longney Hawkins, contractor, bankrupt
Gazette 29 Oct 1919 on list of voters for Kikuyu area
Was at the Kakamega mines in 1938