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Name: HEDGE, Owen Dean

Birth Date: 1885 Etruria, Staffs., bapt. 29 Nov

Death Date: 22.8.1932 Nairobi

First Date: 1921

Last Date: 1932

Profession: Saddler, Trust Chambers, Government Road, Nairobi

Area: Nairobi, 1930 Muani Estate, Sultan Hamud

Book Reference: Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Barnes, Gazette

General Information:

Red 22 - O.D. Hedger, Box 492, Nairobi
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Owen Dean Hedge, British, age 46, died 22/8/32
Gazette 9/11/1921 - Dissolution of Partnership between James Young Martin and John James Ker carrying on business as Saddlers Harness Makers and Merchants under the style or firm of J.Y Martin & Ker dissolved on 31/10/1921 by mutual consent. Business will be carried on by James Young Martin and Owen Dean Hedge under the style or firm of J.Y. Martin.
Gazette 14/6/1922 - Dissolution of Partnership between James Young Martin and Owen Dean Hedge carrying on business as Saddlers, Harness Makers and Merchants - Owen Dean Hedge to carry on the business on the retirement of James Young Martin

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