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Name: KNIGHT, William Edgar

Birth Date: 10.10.1872 Cecil County, Maryland, USA

Death Date: 1.12.1956 Nairobi

First Date: 1906 August

Last Date: 1956

Profession: Took up land in the Mara N'Gishu area of Naivasha, bordering the South Kinangop, where he farmed until his death

Area: 'Nanga Gain', Naivasha. Hut - partner with Clements Pollard, Marangishu

Married: In Streatham 22 Oct 1914 Emily Winifred Holiday b. 1884 Bicester, d.17.6.1940 Nairobi (she arrived 1914)

Children: Frederick Dean Richard 'Eric' (3.9.1921 Nakuru-1999); Betty; Mavis (Ker); Margaret 'Peggy' (Ker); James Leroy (8 July 1920 Wilmington, Delaware-10 Sep 1957 Wilmington)

Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Manual, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Playne, Pioneers, Drumkey, Red 22, Land, AJ, Gazette, Barnes, SKP, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Red 19

General Information:

Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Rift Valley Voters List
SE - W.E. Knight - Naivasha - July 1907
Playne - Munyu Farm - Messrs Clements and Knight, who run Munyu Farm, confess that they have gained much experience and help from the Government farm, and they are duly grateful.  The farm is situated under the Escarpment of Kinangop, and is 12 miles from Naivasha and about 4 miles from Longonot. Messrs Clements and Knight were at one time engineers in the Transvaal. Neither had any previous experience in farming, but both are hard working, and are confident of success. Mr Pollard is a sleeping partner. The number of acres is 9000. There are springs of water and plenty of timber on the farm and a dam is shortly to be made. One thousand acres have been fenced, and several bomas have been built of cedar logs with shingle roofs. ....….…
Drumkey 1909 - Cattle Brand - V1E - Knight & Clements - Munyo Farm, Kijabe
Land - 1908 - W.E. Knight - Grazing, 3000 acres, Rift Valley, 7-6-05, Registered 9-9-08
Land - 1911 - W.E. Knight - Grazing and agricultural, 181.6 acres - Kinangop - 19/5/10 - Leasehold for 99 years from 1/4/11 - Registered 26/8/11
Agricultural Journal 1908 - Brands allotted and registered - Knight & Clements, Munyo Farm, Kijabe - Naivasha V1R Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Naivasha - W.E. Knight (British), Settler, Naivasha
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - William Edgar Knight, British, age 84, died 1/12/56 and Emily Winifred Knight, British, age 55, died 17/6/40
SKP - 1938 - Society of Kenya Pioneers - over 30 years in Colony - arrived Aug 1906 - Naivasha
Red Book 1912 - W.E. Knight - Naivasha
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - W.E. Knight - Farmer - Naivasha and Mrs Knight - Naivasha
Red Book 1919 - District Committees - Naivasha - W.E. Knight
Manual - 1927 - 'Nanga Gerri' Estate 10 miles from Naivasha, on the border of Lake Naivasha, considerably over 3000 acres.

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