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Name: IRONSIDE, Kenneth Leslie MC
Birth Date: 1886 Forest Hill, Lewisham
Death Date: 15.?.1964
First Date: 1920
Profession: Farmer
Area: Kitimai Estate, Thika, 1930 Box 1066, Nairobi, 1922 Molo
Married: In Hampstead 18 Jan 1921 May Lebish b. 6 May 1893 Lambeth, d. 15 July 1969 Nairobi
Children: Anne Veronica (10 June 1922); son (7 July 1929 Kiambu)
Book Reference: Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, SS
War Service: RFA
General Information:
Red 22 - K. Ironside, Molo
Soldier Settlement Scheme after WW1 - Class B - Lieut. K.L. Ironside, MC, 12 Lysias Road, Clapham Common, SW12 - Farm 696
Hut has Ironside 1920 partner with Cowling La Petiza Rongai.
Hut also has V.L. Ironside 1922 Kitimai Est.
Gazette - 14/5/1924 - Dissolution of Partnership between Edward John Sawn Cowling and Kenneth Laslie Ironside carrying on business as farmers at Njoro.
Gazette - 18/6/1929 - Dissolution of Partnership between James Robert Cowling and Kenneth Leslie Ironside carrying on business as planters at Thika under the style or firm of Cowley and Ironside. James Robert Cowling will continue the business.
Gazette 29 July 1964 - probate (edge of page cut off)