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Name: KRIEGER, Frederick William 'Fred' (Rev.)
Birth Date: 1.8.1866 Hanover, Germany
Nationality: American
First Date: 1895
Profession: Missionary, then farmer. Arrived with wife and Peter Cameron Scott to work for Africa Inland Mission. Stephen Ellis's ledger shows Rev J.W. Kreiger Aug. 1910. Left AIM to set up own Gospel Miss Soc Mission at Thembigwa Dec 1899
Area: Thembigwa but later at Ruiru, HBEA 1912 - Nguringa Estate, Kiambu, 1925 Kikuyu
Married: In New York 1901 Mary Elizabeth Myers b. 1873 New York
Children: Dorothy Davis (1902-Nov 1905); Karl Frederick (12.1.1904); Phyllis Bertha (Thika Downs 3.8.1907); Frederick Myers (Kiambu 1.9.1910)
Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Ainsworth, KFA, Tignor, Land 1903, EAHB 1905, Red 25, Hut, North, Playne, Drumkey, Land, Grasshoppers, EAHB 1906, Gazette, EAHB 1904, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Barnes
General Information:
SE - Rev. F.W. Krieger - Aug 1910
KFA - One of the first to successfully harvest wheat in Kenya prior to 1903.
Tignor - Gospel Missionary Society agent in 1902. Like many other early missionaries Krieger acquired the 600 acre estate at Thembigwa in his own name and farmed the land in addition to setting up a church. In 1906 he sold this land and purchased a tract further inland, severing his formal connection with the GMS and becoming entirely a settler farmer.
Land Grant 1903 - F.W. Krieger - Agricultural, 630 acres - Kiambu - Freehold - Applied for under homestead rules.
North - arr. Mombasa 27/10/1895; Founder member of AIM mission at Nzawi near Machakos; married and left AIM March or April 1898, wife German/American poss. née Myer; with wife at Thembigwa, later at Ruiru; Kikuyu Dec 1899; Land Grant application 22/7/1902 Kikuyu; Kiambu Feb 1903; Land Grant application 24/6/1903 Kiambu; Issued with Bird Licence at Thembigwa 22/10/1903
Playne - Ngurunga Estate - The long experience which Mr Frederick W. Krieger has had in BEA accounts for the success of the Ngurunga Estate, of which he is the manager. The farm is situated ony 8 miles from Nairobi, and of its 640 acres, 125 are under cultivation, wheat, beans, maize, and potatoes being the principal crops. .......... Mr Krieger, who originally came from America, has erected a large stone residence, besides workshops, a barn, cattle sheds, a modern 50-ton granary, and a galvanised iron building for an oil engine and wheat thresher. The estate is particularly well watered, possessing as it does 2 streams, and adorned with a 50ft. and 2 30ft. waterfalls. A further allotment of 10000 acres on the Thika River, at the time of writing unoccupied owing to quarantine regulations, will be utilised by Mr Krieger as a large stock farm as soon as the quarantine order is lifted.
Land - 1906 - F.W. Krieger - Agricultural, 639 acres, Kiambu, 5-4-04, Homestead, Registered 25-9-06
Grasshoppers - Originally Assistant to Peter Cameron Scott as leader of the AIM mission. After Scott's death …. "Krieger, who should have taken over, was in such turmoil himself that at the end of 1897 he resigned, 'unwilling to continue on the doctrinal basis adopted at the founding of the mission.' At a time when the mission urgently needed encouragement and direction, it lacked any leadership."
Land 1909 - F.W. Krieger - Grazing and agricultural, 600 acres - Fort Hall District - 28/9/06 - Leasehold for 99 years from 1/1/08 - Registered 6/12/09
Gazette - 17/5/16 - Notice - Trading with the Enemy
Gazette - 15/7/02 - Issued with Bird Licence - 18/6/02
EAHB 1904 - Masai-Land District Residents - Krieger, ev F.W. - Thembigwa, Kikuyu
Red Book 1912 - F.W. Krieger - Kyambu
Daughter Dorothy maybe buried in Nairobi South cemetery in unidentified grave.
Ainsworth - arrived in 1895, with his wife, as part of P.C. Scott's party.
EAHB 1905 - at Thembigwa.
Red 25 - JP, Kikuyu
Gazette 21 Apr 1920 F.W. Krieger, Kiambu
Stephen Ellis's ledger shows Rev J.W. Kreiger Aug. 1910. Left AIM to set up own Gospel Miss Soc Mission at Thembigwa Dec 1899
See Evanson N. Wamagatta, The Presbyterian Church of East Africa, 2009, for establishment of mission. Krieger resigned and became full-time farmer in 1906.
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