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Name: LA FONTAINE, Sydney Hubert 'Hugh' DSO, OBE, MC (Col.)
Birth Date: 2 Dec 1885 Smyrna, Turkey
Death Date: 25 Jan 1964 Nairobi
First Date: 1910
Profession: Served with Administration in EA 1911-42. Acting Chief Native Commissioner 1933,34,37,39. Member Legislative Council 1933-41 & on Exec. Council for over 2 years. Active on many committees. Appointed PC 1933. Originally Asst. DC 1910
Area: Nairobi. Retired to live at Ngong. HBEA 1912 ADC, Kisumu, 1925 Kitale, 1919 Kericho 1938 Nyeri
Married: 1. In Kensington 3 Apr 1918 Agnes Helena Thrupp b. 1894 Alderminster, Worcs. (div. 1929 co-resp. Christopher D'Arcy Baker-Carr); 2. In Kenya 1930 Honor Kathleen Milton Stewart b. 17 Mar 1907 London, d. 13 Oct 1978 Nairobi
Children: Jean (1 Nov 1931); Clare H. (8 Oct 1933); Hilary Dawn (19 Oct 1937 Nyeri-24 Sep 2012 Sydenham)
Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, Police, Staff 39, Tignor, Debrett, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Legion, Colonial, Baptism, Red 22, O&C, DSO, Dominion, Foster, Medals, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Red 19
War Service: WW1 with EA Forces, in Intelligence. WW2 R. Pioneer Corps 41-44 & UNRAA in Greece 44-47
School: Uppingham, Caius College Cambridge 1905-08 and 1912-14; BA (Cantab)
General Information:
Gazette - 23/9/1914 - Appt. - To be Lieutenant, Intelligence Department - D. La Fontaine
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Aberdare Voters List
Police - told of his own experiences at the outbreak of WW1 on the GEA border at Taveta. He was then alone at Taveta as DC, with no European in the neighbourhood and only 24 Police under a Sergeant at the boma .......... On the outbreak of war he was instructed to maintain a careful watch on German movements near the border, which was 2 1/2 miles from the boma, and to retire should they advance. .. (story pp. 43/44)
Tignor - 1936 - PC Central Province. 1929 DC Fort Hall. 1932 - PC Ukamba Province
Debrett- Capt. Gen. List, and EA Forces, and a Dist. Commr. Kenya Colony; European War 1914-18 in E. Africa (despatches, MC, DSO)
KAD 1922 - District and Resident Commissioner and Resident Magistrate
Legion - Lieutenant-Colonel, Intelligence Corps 1914-18
Dominion - District Officer - 1930
Medals - East African Intelligence Department - Lieutenant, later Captain
Foster - He retired in Kenya. During the Emergency he worked in the Community Development Department. In 1958-59 - for a modest fee - he helped the Anglican Church to "sort out" its land records.
Red Book 1912 - S.H. La Fontaine - Kyambu
Nairobi Club - Honorary Life Member
Obituary - Kenya Weekly News 14 Feb 1964, p.10
Gazette 4 Feb 1964 probate
Gazette 16 Feb 1979 2nd wife's probate
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