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Name: LYONS, Robert Spencer 'Mickey'

Nee: bro of Henry Harvey Lyons and Alexander Culbertson Lyons
Birth Date: 10 June 1896 Sligo
Death Date: 9 Sep 1961 Islington, London
First Date: 1925
Profession: 3rd KAR. Professional Soldier
Area: Kolosia, Turkana, 1930 Naro Moru, 1945 'Steep' Mweiga, Likoni (1955)
Married: In London 1935 Doris Heap 'Dot' Turner (div.1951) b. 14 July 1904 Rochdale, d. 7 Jan 1994 Napier, New Zealand (prev. m. to Francis Andrew Hamilton-Gordon 1904-1968 and later to John Herbert Gates 1907-1974); 2. In Nakuru 9 Jan 1951 Catherine Margaret Edmondson b. 9 Aug 1909 Chorley, Lancs., d. 1976 Surrey (prev. m. Thomas Everard Upton 1908-2000)
Children: Kevin; Storm (Forgan) (1940)
Book Reference: Golf, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Baptism, Wed, Web
General Information:
Gazette 31 Oct 1961 - probate
Web - Aberdare Country Club - In 1935 a recently married couple from the Nyeri District, Mickey (real name Robert Spencer) and Dot Lyons purchased the farm which they named Steep. It was an apt name, for most of the farm was on a slope, some of it indeed steeply inclined, tumbling at one end into the deep valley of the Amboni River which had cut its way down from the Aberdare mountains.
Having purchased this barely touched piece of Kenya, the Lyons set about planning a home. A site was chosen on the footslope of Ol-doinyo larash, a spot that would afford an enchanting vista to east and north across the vastness of the plains and a clear view of Mount Kenya in all its moods. Soon enough the house was built and filled with the sound of children's voices. Kevin was the first when he arrived from England in early 1938 in the care of his nanny, and to complete the family a daughter arrived 2 and a half years after Kevin, named Storm. ………..
For the next 34 years Kevin and Storm regarded Steep as home. In 1951 Mickey and Dot Lyons divorced; and in 1954 Dot married John Gates, who bought 2,500 acres of farmland on the other side of the Amboni River, thus making Steep a better economic proposition. Kevin, however returned to occupy the home in 1964 and there, on the front lawns, a joyous reception was held on the occasion of Storm's wedding early that year.
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Aberdare Voters List
Letter from J. Carnegie - 'Lyons family. I only knew of them but they were much respected. I think they farmed where the Aberdare Country Club is, or very near there. Either they built the stone house which is the nucleus of the Club or their partner did so. I only know that my nurse Miss Puckeridge went on to their children when I was grown up enough not to need one. She stayed with them for many years ... they sound like having been a happy rumbustious family. I think perhaps they were fairly rich as well, but I don't know how or why.'
Gazette 31 Oct 1961 probate
Gazette 5 Dec 1961 (also probate) says he died 9 Sep 1961
Wife was winner of Pease Cup, Ladies' Club Championship, Nyeri in 1935
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