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Name: LANGMAN, Baruch

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Nee: North has Berl Langman

Birth Date: 1877 ?Lithuania

Death Date: 28.1.1942 Nairobi

Nationality: British Jewish

First Date: 1908

Profession: Tinsmith craftsman, established business as Plumber etc. 1918, Hardinge St.

Area: Box 77, Nairobi, 1925 Box 136, Nairobi

Married: Esther b. 1884, d. 22.1.1969 Nairobi

Children: Business carried on by elder son Walter (1903-24.5.1970 Nairobi); Sam; Ida (?1900); another dau

Book Reference: Gillett, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Macmillan, Red 22, Barnes, Glimpses, North

General Information:

Red 22 - EA Tank and Metal Works
Nairobi South cemetery - in loving memory of Berl Langman who passed away 28 January 1942, aged 65, deeply mourned by his sorrowing wife and children, may he rest in peace.
Glimpses - 1913 - in photo of wedding of Lily Block and Simon Haller
MacMillan - 1930 - When Mr B. Langman arrived at Nairobi in 1908 ……… After serving as a wage earner at Nairobi for 11 years, he started in business for himself in 1918 ……..
Gazette - 4/7/1923 - Dissolution of partnership between Simon Haller and Barnett Langman carrying on business under the style or firm of E A Tank and Metal Works has been dissolved by mutual consent as from 30 June 1923
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Nairobi South - Berl Langman, Tinsmith and Plumber, Box 136, Nbi.
FindaGrave Esther and Walter are buried in Forest Rd cem, Nbi - in ever loving memory / of our beloved brother / Walter Langman / died 24.5.70 / aged 67 AND in everlasting memory / of our beloved mother / Esther Langman / died 22.1.1969 / aged 85

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