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Name: LAWFORD, Sydney Lionel Kakewich 'Leo' (Commander RN)
Birth Date: 11 Aug 1881 Leicester
Death Date: 13 Sep 1952 Malindi
First Date: 1912
Profession: Manager Thika Sisal Co. for many years, Partner Manga Ltd, DC. Acting DC at Fort Hall in 1917-18. In 1919 left Govt. service to become a labour recruiter. Lawford's Hotel, Malindi
Area: Thika, later established a Hotel at Malindi, 1925 Chania Bridge Mgr Manga
Married: 1906 Mary Stewart 'Daisy' Shelton b. 6 July 1878 Stoke Newington, d. 1939 Lambeth
Children: Marjorie Winifred Eleanor (Bumpus) (21 Jan 1907 Kensington); Lionel Robert Patrick (27 Mar 1916 Nairobi-8 Aug 1977 Richmond, Yorks.)
Book Reference: Gillett, Women 1/95, Malindi, Cobbold, Frampton, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EA & Rhodesia, Red 22, Racing, Leader14, Tignor, Rediscovered
General Information:
Malindi - In 1936 Lawfords had 376 guests and the Palm Beach 220, almost all farmers from the highlands.
Cobbold - one of the early pioneers of EA and, besides speaking several of the native dialects, he understands and loves the land and the people where he lived before the War as an Asst. DC. After WW1 he returned with his wife to this country and invested his money in a sisal plantation. Sisal prices plummetted - Com. Lawford is now looking for a job.[1934]
KAD 1922 - Chairman, Thika District Association.
KAD 1922 - Hon. Sec. & Treasurer, Makuyu Hunt Club
Red 25 - Vice-President, Thika Sports Club; Late District Commissioner; Partner in Manga Ltd.
Red 22 - Justice of the Peace - Fort Hall District
Racing - Owner of 'Afghan' - 1930
Racing - Owner of 'Midshipmite' - 1930
Racing - Owner of 'Tallo' - 1930
Racing - Owner of 'Bronx' - Winner of the Kenya Steeplechase Cup in 1924
Racing - Owner of 'Afghan' - Winner of the Kenya Steeplechase Cup in 1930
Gazette 7/4/1920 - Dissolution of Partnership between G.K. Archer, S.L.K. Lawford and T. Penny Robeson under the name of the Makindi Trading Coy. By mutual consent.
Women - 1921 - stabling horses for the Beynons when they played polo also giving them accommodation. Started Lawford's Hotel at Malindi in 1934.
Red 25 - JP, Fort Hall
Rediscovered - 1913 - Fort Hall - A DC Lawford by name, a young and enthusiastic chap who had killed his first lion and could talk of little else. Mrs Lawford gave us tea.
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Coast Voters List
FindaGrave buried in Portuguese Chapel cemetery, Malindi
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