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Name: LAWSON, Robert Malcolm
Birth Date: 28.10.1879 Pershore, Worcestershire
Death Date: 28.10.1907 Kisumu, suicide
Nationality: British
First Date: 1902
Last Date: 1907
Profession: Asst Collector EAP, April 16th 1902, South African Medal, 1900-01.
Area: Stationed at Mumias for some years, Fort Hall Aug 1903
Book Reference: Gillett, Kenya Diary, EAHB 1905, EAS, Hut, North, EA Diary 1903, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, Gazette, Barnes, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907
School: Glenalmond & Keble College, Oxford
General Information:
Kenya Diary - Aug. 1903 - Fort Hall - Lawson fancies himself a walker, so I betted him that a porter carrying 60 lbs. would beat him over a distance of 18 miles; Lawson carrying nothing beyond his huge bulk. This morning the event took place: I promised the porter the amount of the bet - 10 rupees - if he beat Lawson, which he did, arriving over a mile ahead. These hefty Swahili porters are indeed wonderful.
Gazette - played in a football match for Mombasa against HMS Terpsichore on 1/7/1902
Kisumu cemetery - in loving memory of Robert Malcolm Lawson born at Pershore Worcestershire October 28 1879 died at Kisumu October 20 1907 out of the deep have I called unto thee o …… Lord hear my voice there is mercy with thee therefore shalt thou be feared
North - To be removed from Taveta following the 'brutal treatment of the police in his charge - unfit to take charge of men at an out-station' (Hayes-Sadler, KA) Aug 1905; Acting Collector Naivasha 26-10-1905; 'I have long suspected that Lawson is a homosexual from the way he fondles young African men and boys' (Meinertzhagen, RH) He had tried to seduce Meinertzhagen's bugle boy
EA Diary 1903 - Asst. Collector April 1902; South African Medal 1900-1
EAHB 1907 - Collector - Naivasha
EAHB 1905 - Asst. Collector, Mumias.
The African Standard - 26-2-1903 - Invited to the wedding of H.R. Phelips & Miss Jacquette Edith Lambe in Mombasa