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Name: LEIGHTON, George Smith
Birth Date: Scotland ?1870
Death Date: 1946
First Date: 1910
Profession: Clerk in Secretariat
Area: Lived in various parts of EA including Lupa goldfields, Tanganyika
Married: Jessie b. 1888
Children: Janette (1912); Isobel (1914)
Book Reference: Gillett, KAD, Red 25, Red 22, Red 19
War Service: SA War with Dragoon Guards & during WW1 in EA campaign
School: E Af Mechanical Transport Corps
General Information:
Red 22 - G.S. Leighton, Secretariat, Nairobi
Red Book 1919 - Ex-War Service Federation, Nairobi - Chairman - G.S. Leighton
KAD 1922 has G.S. Leighton, Clerk, Secretariat, Nairobi.
Red 25 - G.S. Leighton, Secretariat, Nairobi
Gazette - 6/2/1924 - Voters Register - Nairobi South - George Smith Leighton, Civil Servant, Crauford Road and Mrs Jessie Leighton, Married Crauford Road