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Name: LLOYD, Albert Bushnell (Ven. Archdeacon)
Birth Date: 1871 Leicester
Death Date: 13.12.1946 Ladbrook, Warwickshire
Nationality: British
First Date: 1894
Profession: CMS missionary with his wife. Appointed Archdeacon of Western Uganda in 1921. Retired to UK after 30 years work in Uganda
Area: Gulu, Lango, Gayaza, Hoima in 1905, Uganda
Married: In Leamington Spa 15.8.1899 Mary Ethel Masters b. 1872 Coventry, d. 20.12.1931
Children: Cyril Henry Howard (1901 Kampala-1986 Frankston, Victoria, Australia)
Author: 'In Dwarf Land and Cannibal Country' 1899; 'Uganda to Khartoum' 1906
Book Reference: Gillett, Roome, Tucker, EAHB 1905, North, Drumkey, Red 22, BEA, CMS, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907
General Information:
Tucker - hard at work in Gayaza 1896. At Kyagwe in Aug 1895. ........ Uganda Mutiny - 1897 - A.B. Lloyd's description of action at Luba's when Pilkington was killed (pp. 91/92) ........ 1900 - Mrs Lloyd was terribly ill - nigh unto death - but happily was raised up again. ......... in association with Kitching opened the new station at Patigo in 1904
EAHB 1905 - at Acholi, Toro
North - Formerly Engineer, from Leicester; dep. Zanzibar 1/10/1894 for Saadani on coast & travelled by southern route; arr. Mengo 6/3/1895; arr. Gayaya June 1895; dep. Kampala for Toro 25/6/1896, arr. Kabarole Toro 13/7/1895; "... at Toro until Callis has passed language exams" (CMI June 1897); volunteered to help troops during Sudanese Mutiny, dep. Kampala for Luba's 31/11/1897; dep. Toro on leave 26/9/1898, travelled via Congo arr. Dover 25/12/1898; dep. Marseille for Mombasa & Uganda with wife 5/1/1900; Kawola, Bunyoro; "the enterprising sporting missionary" (H.H. Austin)
Drumkey 1909 - CMS Uganda - Patigo, Acholi
CMS 1894 - Age 23. Of Leicester. Engineer offered Feb 23, 1892. Renewed offer accepted; and 1892, June 21, Prep. Instn. 1893, Sept. CM Coll. 1894, July 14, to E. Eq. Africa Mission via the Cape.
Tucker - CMS missionary - autumn recruit for Uganda in 1894, arrived in Uganda Feb 1895