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Name: LONG-INNES, Clive Selwyn ARSM
Birth Date: 16.7.1871 Paddington, New South Wales, Australia
Death Date: 22.10.1948 Walton on the Hill, Surrey
First Date: 1905
Profession: Police Officer
Area: Nairobi, Mombasa, Red 25 lists him as Farmer, Eldoret, 1909 Fort Hall
Married: In Kensington 1926 Minnie Thelma McQuade b. 22 May 1889 Ashfield, New South Wales, d. 11 July 1949 Walton on the Hill, Surrey
Children: Michael Hale (31 July 1927 Kensington-2004)
Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, Cuckoo, Police, KAD, Red 25, Hut, Playne, Drumkey, Red 22, EAHB 1906, Gazette, North, EAHB 1907, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Web, LG, Red 19
School: Australia and Royal School of Mines, London
General Information:
Cuckoo - Long-Innes was a great acquisition to Mombasa, being a first-rate cricketer and playing some outstanding games for the Gymkhana Club. Later, when promoted to Asst. District Superintendent and transferred to Nairobi, he proved one of the mainstays of the Nairobi cricket team.
Police - Appointed an Inspector in the BEA Police in 1905 (21st September) - later Superintendent. ... Company Commander in the EA Police Service Battalion in 1914.
Drumkey 1909 - Police - Inspector - Aug. 21st 1905
Gazette - 11/8/1915 - Appt. - EA Police (Military Service Battalion) - To be Captain (Temporary) - Superintendent Clive Selwyn Long-Innes
North - Mining Engineer; Land Grant application, Parklands, Nairobi 30-6-1904; Listed as new member of the Settlers' Association 14-1-1905; Applying for position as Asst. Collector EAP at Nairobi 5-8-1905; Appt. Inspector of Police EAP 21-8-1905; Temporary appt. as gaoler, Mombasa 31-1-1906
EAHB 1907 - served in South Africa with 2nd West Australia Contingent as full trooper 1900-01 and with 2nd Scottish Horse as Lieut. and Capt. 1901-02; Inspector of Police, EAP Aug 21 1905
Red Book 1912 - C.S. Long-Innes - Kyambu
Web - A Miner - enrolled in the Western Australian Mounted Infantry for the Boer War in 1900. Wounded at Roodekrantz. Played cricket for Kensington Park in 1892
Red Book 1912 - Police Dept. - Superintendent
London Gazette - 1 May 1917 - Despatch from the Governor of the EA Protectorate bringing to notice the undermentioned names for valuable services during the operations against the Turkana, a tribe resident on the Northern Frontier of the East Africa and Uganda Protectorates, whose open hostility to government since the outbreak of war rendered a punitive expedition necessary.
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Nairobi, South Area - Clive Selwyn Long Innes - Superintendent of Police - Hospital Road
Red Book 1919 - Superintendent of Police
HBEA 1912 - Superintendent of Police, Nairobi.
Cuckoo - A fine type of Australian who had recently joined the BEA Police. 1906 - Inspector in Nbi. under Foran.
KAD 1922 - Superintendent of Police
Gazette - 18/7/1917 - Honours - Mentioned in Despatches - Captain C S Long-Innes, Police Service Battalion
1939 England and Wales Register living with wife in Banstead, Surrey