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Name: LONGWORTH, David Garrick 'Daddy'
Birth Date: 1853 Boston, USA
Death Date: 7 Jan 1928 St Martin, London
Nationality: American
First Date: 1905
Profession: Proprietor of an early EA newspaper, 'The Globe Trotter'
Married: Berthi Willis b. 1863 Boston, USA, sculptor
Book Reference: Gillett, Globe, EAHB 1907, Mills Norfolk
General Information:
EAHB 1907 - D.G. Longworth - Nairobi (Globe Trotter, Vict. St.) Globe Trotter in March 1907 - Printed and Published by David Garrick Longworth
Mills Norfolk - According to The Standard of 13 January 1906 "Mr David Garrick Longworth has come seen and conquered. The first number of the new society journal 'The Globe Trotter' has appeared and is in every way excellent. The matter is chatty and makes pleasant reading." .…..
While The Standard reported on Kenya's affairs generally and impeccably on news from overseas, David Garrick Longworth took over the social side of the Norfolk's and Nairobi's reporting in his own medium. .….….…..
'Daddy' Longworth, as he was popularly known was a ball of fire in more ways than one. The Globe Trotter was a distinguished, delightful and totally undemocratic publication and nobody who was anybody failed to get the Globe Trotter treatment .…..
Mills Norfolk - 'Daddy' began to fade from the Norfolk story after that. He was to suffer something of a setback when he was arrested in Mombasa on his way to Europe for 'owing money' to Suleman Virjee & Sons when he claimed contra-account. On his return to Nairobi, after several infuriated hours in Mombasa gaol, he took action on the contra-account, "A sum of Rupees 195 which S.V. & Sons had not paid for advertising in his Globe Trotter". The court found for the plaintiff. When he finally reached the UK in October, he was reported in the Glasgow Evening Citizen as endeavouring to interest buyers in barkcloth waistcoats from East Africa. "Barkcloth could be used for everything from top coats to book covers" he said. "No one could ever accuse 'Daddy' Longworth of not being a trier.
1911 England Census in Wesminster as journalist, with wife