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Name: LUCAS, William Vincent (Rt. Rev. Bishop of Masasi)
Birth Date: 20 June 1883 Oxford
Death Date: 8 July 1945 Johannesburg
First Date: 1909
Profession: Took charge Masasi 1911, eventually 1st Bishop of Masasi
Area: Masasi, Zanzibar
Book Reference: Gillett, Wikipedia
School: Magdalen Coll School Oxford, St Catherine's Society Oxford
General Information:
Educated at Magdalen College School, Oxford and St Catherine's Society in the same city, he was ordained in 1907. After a curacy at St Michael's Shepton Beauchamp he went to Tanzania as a missionary. He was later the provost and sub-dean of Masasi Collegiate Church and a canon of Zanzibar before his ordination to the episcopate.
Dict. of African Christian Biography William Vincent Lucas was an Anglican missionary and bishop in Tanganyika (Tanzania). After study at Oxford, ordination, and a curacy, he joined the Universities’ Mission to Central Africa in 1909, serving in parishes until 1926, when he became the first bishop of the Diocese of Masasi on the death of Bishop Frank Weston of Zanzibar. Work among the Masasi had begun when Bishop Edward Steere arrived in 1876 with freed slaves despairing of finding their original homes; the diocese covered southeastern Tanzania and was little developed. Lucas began as bishop with only ten British and nine African clergy, but after 1935 numbers both rose and pressures eased. In his first ten years schools increased from 89 to 237. But World War II brought such destitution that some people reverted to bark clothing, though the country was not a war zone (as it had been in World War I). Lucas had welcomed colonial indirect rule through chiefs in 1930, but later he felt this was artificial and led to abuse. In 1921 the jando (circumcision rites) of the Yao were brought into a Christian framework, Lucas being cautiously in favor. Elsewhere such rites were dying, but Lucas hoped that their real value might endure. He resigned in 1944 and returned to England, where he soon died.
W. V. Lucas, Christianity and Native Rites (1948), “The Christian Approach to Non-Christian Customs,” in E. R. Morgan, ed., Essays Catholic and Missionary (1928) and “The Educational Value of Initiatory Rites,” IRM 16 (April 1927): 192-198. A. G. Blood, The History of the Universities’ Mission to Central Africa, vols. 2 (1957) and 3 (1962); Lyndon P. Harries, “Bishop Lucas and the Masasi Experiment,” IRM 34 (Oct. 1945): 389-396.