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Name: TIFFIN, Thomas Edward

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Nee: son of Thomas Edward Tiffin, architect, of Dartford

Birth Date: 3 May 1900 Hartlepool

Death Date: 5 Dec 1932 Dartford, Kent

First Date: 1922

Profession: c/o Griffiths & Co. accountant

Area: Eldoret, 1922 Mombasa

Married: no

Book Reference: Red 25, Hut, Red 22

War Service: RAF

General Information:

Red 22 also has T.E. Tiffin, Nairobi
The eldest son of Thomas and Evelina, namely Thomas, was a 2nd Lieutenant in the RAF in 1917. After the war, he worked in East Africa from 1919 to 1928 and in Sierra Leone from 1929 to 1932 as a railway engineer. He returned to Dartford in November 1932, went to visit some friends in Sunderland where he became ill and died of pneumonia in December 1932, aged 32

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