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Name: HARDINGE, John Franklin Coles 'Frank'

Nee: bro of Donald Archibald Coles Hardinge

Birth Date: 15.10.1901 Rangoon

Death Date: 23.1.1927 Nairobi

First Date: 1922

Last Date: 1927

Profession: Clerk

Area: Nairobi

Married: In Nairobi 1927 Constance Lilian Holloway b. 1907 (later m. James Sorley Ritchie 1902-1994)

Children: Gerald Barry (2.9.1927 Nairobi)

Book Reference: Red 25, Hut, Red 22, Barnes, R. Jolley

General Information:

Red 22 - F. Harding, Box 310, Nairobi AND F. Hardinge, Molo
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Frank Hardinge, British, age 25, died 23/1/27
R.B. Jolley - "Constance Lilian Holloway in 1927 married Frank Hardinge in Nairobi. Gerald Barry Hardinge was born in Nairobi 2/9/1927, shortly after the death of Frank Hardinge. Constance Hardinge then married James Sorley Ritchie, a Policeman, on the 2/12/1933 at the Anglican church, Mombasa."
Red 25 - Treasurer, Uganda Railway Rifle Club
Gazette - 2/2/1927 - Probate and Administration - Joseph Franklin Coles Hardinge who died at Nairobi on 22 January 1927 [His birth registry and passenger lists have his 1st forename as John]

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