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Name: LEGG, William Robert 'Billy'

Birth Date: 14 Nov 1903 Deptford, Kent

Death Date: 11 Mar 1989 Johannesburg

First Date: 1923

Profession: Pianist in dance band led by Stan Daly in late 30's. Worked for Barclays Bank before joining the Railways

Area: Nairobi

Married: Mary Nora 'Molly' Herne b. 15.7.1909 Nairobi, d. 28 Dec 1973 Germiston, S. Africa (dau of David Edward Herne)

Children: Marcia Dorothy (Ross-Adams) (19.12.1941); John Edward Roberts (16.9.1946)

Book Reference: Len Young, Red 31, Staff 39

General Information:

Red 31 has W.L. Legg, Standard Bank of S. Africa
Kenya Friends Reunited - Marcia Ross-Adams - My father Bill (William) Legg had a dance band in Nairobi for 35+ years playing all over. He first went out to Kenya in 1923 from London working for Barclays Bank then worked for EAR&H as accountant. My mum worked in an insurance company as a private secretary - Gilfillans
Clerk, Inland Revenue Dept. in 1939, appointed 1936.
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - William Robert Legg, Box 294, Nbi

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