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Name: ABBOTT, Frank Edmund

Birth Date: 10 Sept 1876 Aston, Warwickshire, bapt 16 May 1877 St Silas, Warwickshire
Death Date: 22 Apr 1965 Surrey
First Date: 1925
Profession: PWD mechanical engineer
Area: Nakuru, Hut 1930 Gilgil, 1925 Kisumu
Married: In Paddington 16 Sep 1912 Dorothy Hill b. 28 June 1888 Faversham, d. 8 Sep 1942 Holcombe, Dawlish, Devon
Book Reference: Red 31, Hut, Red 25, Dominion, Rift Valley
School: MIMechE
General Information:
Red 25 - Frank Abbott, PWD, Mombasa
Dominion - Public Works Department - Divisional Staff - Executive Engineer - 1930
Rift Valley - Member of the Rift Valley Sports Club - Jan 1929 - Elected - 7 May 1925 - F.E. Abbott
Ancestry for birth, death and spouse
1939 England and Wales Register living in Dawlish with wife, as Exec. Engineer, PWD, Kenya