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Name: ALLFREE, Thomas Edward

Photo Source: jacket of autobiography
Birth Date: 1 Aug 1908 Broadstairs
Death Date: 6 Jan 1979 Malindi, prostate cancer
First Date: Feb 1926
Profession: Farmer; Fisheries
Area: Baharini Farm, Nakuru
Married: In Mombasa 3 Mar 1932 Mary Josephine 'Josie' Stevens d. 25 Mar 1966 Mombasa
Children: No children
Author: Bluff; A Fisheries Officer at Malindi, 2022
Book Reference: Red 31, Hut, Campling, Barnes
School: St Lawrence College, Ramsgate
General Information:
Campling - 1950s Malindi - Mrs Josie Allfree, the wife of Tom Allfree the Fisheries Officer, acted as Campling's Malindi agent
Makaburini Road, Malindi cemetery - Thomas Edward Allfree 1908-1979
Gazette 5 July 1966 wife's probate
Gazette 27 July 1979 probate spelt Alfree
Autobiog (Bluff): 1926-34 Farm manager, including of Mr Cressell's Gilgil farm. 1934-1945 farmed as large tenant farmer leasing 13,000 acres of untouched Africa at Elmenteita. He was not called up in the war because he had been lamed in one leg by an accident and had lost the sight of one eye from a germ infection. These injuries occurred within 10 years of landing in Kenya. Then he had a severe limp and a black eye patch.
'A man of some presence and commanding appearance, but concealing a kind and rather soft disposition.'
1945 bought Lawford's Hotel, Malindi. 1947-8 Worked as coast trader and fisherman. Joined Fisheries Dept. in 1958, and retired in 1963 as Acting Chief Fisheries Officer, Kenya. He then set up as a Land Agent and Valuer, ran a shop for the tourist trade in Malindi and sold some building merchandise and manufactured furniture.
His hobby was painting taught by Margaret Collier, whose fee was 1 bottle of gin per lesson.
One of the founders of Malindi Sea Fishing Club.
Ran a weekly passenger, cargo and mail service by boat to Malindi.
His wife ran a successful shop in the Sindbad Hotel in Malindi. Tom and Josie lived in separate houses on the same plot.