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Name: HARRIS, John Frederick
Birth Date: 19 Apr 1902 Penrith, Cumberland
Death Date: 1990 Carlisle
First Date: 1929
Profession: Farmer
Area: Leseru
Married: In Penrith 1926 Gwendoline Arden Kentish b. 20 Oct 1902 St Issells, Pembrokeshire, d. 1998 Penrith
Children: Margaret (1928); Voreda Arden (Johnstone) (7 Apr 1935 Penrith-23 Sep 1964 Penrith)
Book Reference: Red 31
General Information:
Gazette - 1/11/1927 - Dissolution of Partnership between Kenneth Wiggins and John Frederick Harris under the style or firm of Nollosagella Estate, general farmers at Uasin Gishu. Business to be carried on by John Frederick Harris
Ancestry Passenger list 1929 Durban-UK