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Name: HOLMBERG, Olga Maria, Mrs

Nee: Kullberg
Birth Date: 14 Nov 1888 Johannes, Stockholm
Death Date: 16 May 1962 Wangus Estate, Thika
First Date: 1930
Area: Thika
Married: 1. In Stockholm 1913 Emil Evald Oscar Holmberg (1884-1926); 2. In Kenya 1930 Arthur Brockner (1887-1960)
Children: 1. Barbro Emilsdotter (Hooper) (8.12.1914 Nairobi); Per-Olof Daniel (5 May 1916 Nairobi-1933 Nairobi); Erik Carl (1917-1999); Anders Olaf Tor (9 May 1918 Nairobi-2015) 2. Karin Marie (Higgins) (1935); Per Arthur (1930)
Book Reference: Red 31, Hut, Holmberg, Aschan
General Information:
Holmberg - "After my father's death, my mother was honoured by the women of the Kikuyu tribe and given the name Wangu, in honour of a female tribal chief who ruled with great firmness over a large area. After a while the name of our own estate was changed to Wangu.
Aschan - Karen - She had no real friends, and she had little in common with the wives of their farm managers, with the exception of Olga Holmberg.
Aschan - Emil and Olga Holmberg were an oddly matched couple. Olga was a vivacious lady and not unfamiliar to the occasional flirtation. However, when he paid too much attention to their English nanny, she banished him temporarily from the house under the pretext of recruiting more farm labour. Her humiliating discovery infuriated Emil, and his fury did not abate during his absence. Krister Aschan and Ake Lindstrom (Gillis' nephew) were dining with Olga when Emil returned late one evening. He burst through the door, eyes blazing. Without a word he drew his pistol, shot Olga through the chest, then took his own life. Miraculously, for he was a good shot, he missed killing Olga. Ake got her to a doctor and she subsequently lived to a grand old age, bolstered by champagne, taken on doctor's orders. Meanwhile, my father [Krister Aschan] was left to cope with the body of poor Emil. Unaccustomed to such nocturnal drama, he thought it best to get the advice of a fellow Swede, Sten Tham, who farmed on the same ridge. Laying Emil's inert form in the back of his box-body car (a small truck with a roof over the bed but with open sides), he drove up to Tham's. Sten greeted him and asked him to dinner. Father declined, saying he had Emil in the back. "Well, bring him in too. Hey, Emil, come on out and have something to eat," shouted Tham, then turned questioningly to my father. "What's he doing in the back anyway?" Father replied simply, "I'm afraid he's dead."