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Name: HOPCRAFT, John Norman 'Jack'

Nee: son of John Dawson Hopcraft
Birth Date: 30.5.1906 Parklands, Nairobi
Death Date: 4.6.1978 Nairobi
First Date: 1930
Profession: Farmer
Area: Loldia, Naivasha, 1979 Mbagathi Ridge, 1979 Athi River, 1928 Kakamega, 1943 Njoro River Farm, Njoro, 'Kenplains' Athi, 1937 Sabukia
Married: In Naivasha 19 Apr 1930 Esther Eliza Nash b. 29.3.1909 Plymouth
Children: John Bryan Dawson (6 May 1931); Peter Norman (7 Jan 1934 Nakuru); Esther Jane (1936-2012); David (1937)
Book Reference: Red 31, Hut, Red Book 1912, Daktari
General Information:
Red Book 1912 - J.N. Hopcraft - Naivasha Gazette 5/4/1938 - Honorary Game Warden
Daktari - Engaged on a project studying gazelle. ...... Sunday tea was an outdoor affair, sipped within sight of the mountain Lukenia and the endless rolling plains of the Athi - ranching wild animals