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Name: HUMFREY, Richard Edmond (Dr.) (Lieut.-Col.)
Birth Date: 24 Feb 1881 Limerick
Death Date: 2 Sep 1962 Mtwapa
First Date: 1930
Profession: Farmer
Area: Akela Farm, Turbo Valley
Married: Isabel Norah Stewart b. 1889, d. 16 Oct 1951 Mombasa
Book Reference: Red 31, Hut
War Service: RAMC
General Information:
Hut has Lt Col R.E. Humphrey
Gazette 1 Apr 1952 probate
Gazette 15 Jan 1963 probate required by his niece Alice Diana Litton Cowen [wife of Edmund Keith Cowen]. He lived in a small house at Mtwapa creek, next to the Cowens' house.