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Name: HUTCHINSON, William John (Dr.)
Birth Date: 18 Aug 1900 Dunkineely, Donegal
Death Date: 1986 Mansfield, Notts.
First Date: 1926
Profession: Medical Officer of Health
Area: Nairobi
Married: ?Frances d. 26 Dec 1995 Belfast
Children: ?David John (d. 20 July 1991)
Book Reference: Red 31
War Service: entered RAF 12 Oct 1926
School: MB, BCh Belfast 1923
General Information:
Gazette - 22/12/1926 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Medical Officer - Dr. W.J. Hutchinson
Went to Sarawak, then practising in Sheffield in 1942
In 1959 he was at Mansfield, Notts.