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Name: LANCASTER, Cyril Pearson 'Lanc' (Capt.)
Birth Date: 21 Apr 1883 Rock Ferry, Cheshire
Death Date: 5 Aug 1959 Clonskeagh, Dublin
First Date: 1930
Profession: Farmer
Area: Pt Mazuri Makuyu
Married: No
Book Reference: Red 31, Hut, Racing, Wolseley-Lewis
General Information:
Racing - Owner of 'Threepence' - 1930
Wolseley-Lewis - about 1933 - "….. he was like all the Makuyu owners, a soldier settler. This was a much better job but the pay was still the same. However he was leaving the country and left me to run the place. …. Lanc, whose farm I had taken on, did not like it here, and although he had several wartime friends here he decided to try his luck in England. ………. After two years 'Lanc' had not come back and I asked if he would sell me the farm but he was not willing and I could not make a better offer than £4,000 which I would have had to borrow. I do not think he ever did come back.
Gazette 25 Apr 1961 probate