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Name: LETHBRIDGE, Duncan John Leigh

Nee: son of John Acland Musgrave Lethbridge

Birth Date: 15 Dec 1898 Porlock, Somerset

Death Date: 26 Mar 1962 Honiton, Devon

First Date: 1927

Profession: Garage owner

Area: Box 790, Nairobi

Married: 1. ?; 2. In Hampstead 17 June 1922 Mrs Phyllis Muriel Anderson née Chappell b. 14 Jan 1891 Chelsea, d. 3 May 1971 Bath (prev. m. Rowland James Percy Anderson 1873-1950)

Children: Jacqueline Auriol Phyllis Leigh (Quartullo) (19 Apr 1923 London-9 Jan 1980 Palm Beach, Florida); June Florence (Fog) (10 June 1926 Nairobi-13 Feb 2013 Beaufort, S. Carolina); Ann (2 Feb 1930 Nairobi)

Book Reference: Red 31, Macmillan, Web

War Service: Ox and Bucks Light Infantry

School: Kilkenny College; RMC Sandhurst

General Information:

Macmillan - 1930 - The Metropolitan Garage, Sixth Avenue - was founded in 1927 by its sole proprietor, Mr D.J.L. Lethbridge, who has built up an excellent business in repairs to all motor vehicles and in the sale and exchange of those that come under the category of second hand.
Web - National Archives - Divorce Court File 5351 - Appellant - Rowland James Percy Anderson. Respondent - Phyllis Muriel Anderson. Co-respondent - Duncan John Leghe Lethbridge. Husband's petition for divorce. - 1921 Lethbridge married Phyllis in 1922
1939 England and Wales Register living with wife in Stratford on Avon as 'caravan distributor'
Often spelt Leghe Lethbridge

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