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Name: LONGDEN, Winton Spence 'Peter'
Birth Date: 3 Sep 1899 Hampstead
Death Date: 27 May 1940 Dunkirk, on active service
First Date: 1930
Profession: Settler
Area: Kitale
Married: 1928 Phyllis Violet Augusta Hill b. 3 June 1899, d. 30 Apr 1974 Kingston, Surrey
Children: Valerie (Oakley) (1929); Sheila W. (10 Aug 1930 Cambridge)
Book Reference: Red 31, Hut
War Service: Bedfordshire Yeomanry WW1; RASC WW
General Information:
CWGC Dunkirk Town Cemetery Longden Winton Spence [sic] RASC, 27 May 1940 age 42, son of Harry Clifford Longden, MVO and Jessie Morrison Longden; husband of Phyllis Violet Augusta Longden, of East Twickenham, Msex.
He was first listed as missing, but died of wounds.
1939 England and Wales Register living as Branch Manager, Ministry of Labour, with wife in Chailey, Sussex