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Name: PEARSON, D., Mrs
First Date: 1928
Profession: Eldoret Hotel
Area: Eldoret
Book Reference: Red 31, Hut, Macmillan, Gazette
General Information:
Macmillan 1930 - Eldoret Hotel - the Eldoret Hotel which formerly was in the category of the negligible is now very different from what it was before the advent of Mrs Pearson who took over the lease of it in September 1928. Immediately thereafter it was very difficult to get a room there for Mrs Pearson had been running the Pioneer Hotel for some time previously and many people who had experienced her capability in hotel management supported her in her new venture. Accordingly so many persons were disappointed in not getting accommodation there that 13 new rooms were added as quickly as possible. At the time of writing arrangements are being made for 12 more which will make 39 altogether. …………….. The ensemble of the dining room with its glittering table ware and snowy linen is exactly what might be expected under the fastidious supervision of Mrs Pearson; and the meals are first rate in cooking, service and variety. The grounds of the hotel are about 2 acres in extent and afford ample accommodation for motor cars. The main street of the town can be reached in a walk of about 5 minutes.
Gazette - 22/12/1926 - Liquor Licence - Pioneer Hotel (Mrs Pearson) - General Retail Liquor Licence at Eldoret granted for one year.