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Name: PETRIE, Thomas

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Birth Date: 17 Apr 1892 Mount Florida, Renfrewshire

Death Date: 5 Feb 1974 Kalamunda, W Australia

First Date: 1911

Profession: First pupil on the Govt. farm at Kabete. 1913 bought land at Njoro where he farmed for many years. Nearest neighbour of Nellie and Jos Grant.

Area: Kabete, Njoro, 1930 Matunda, Hoeys Bridge, Hut - 1911 Unga Ltd

Married: Catherine 'Kate' b. 1900

Children: David; Ann (1933)

Book Reference: Gillett, Pioneers' Scrapbook, Nellie, Midday Sun, Nicholson Memoirs, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Red 22, Pioneers, Rift Valley

War Service: EAMR in WW1 - B Sqdn. 15/1/15

General Information:

Midday Sun - 'both true Scots; Tom was more of a trader than a farmer, and Kate an excellent but frustrated cook; Tom was away so much that there was no one to cook for. If she got wind of someone being ill or even off colour, round would come a magnificent cake, and possibly a shepherd's pie or rice pudding.'  
Nicholson Memoirs - 1º930 - Trans Nzoia - '........ met the Petries on the road and Mrs Petrie said Tom had lost his job and couldn't find another. ...…'
Pioneers - Nakuru - Gikammeh - Nellie Grant - My nearest neighbour was Tom Petrie, who came out from Scotland in 1911.
Rift Valley - Member of the Rift Valley Sports Club - Jan 1929 - Elected - 21 Aug 1919 - T. Petrie
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - T. Petrie - Farmer - Nakuru
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Rift Valley Voters List
Gazette 29 Nov 1974 probate

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