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Name: PICKFORD, Wilfred

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Birth Date: 1867 London

Death Date: 23 Dec 1933 Naivasha

First Date: 1909

Profession: DC in EAP from 1909-20, then settled at Naivasha as a farmer

Area: SE - Londiani Sep 1910, HBEA 1912 DC Naivasha, 1922 Naivasha, 1925 'Sterndale', Naivasha

Married: Helen Mary b. 1870 [but she travels with John Percival Pickford b. 1872 Islington and she is married to him acc. to 1911 Edmonton census]

Children: Helen Joan (1909 Palmer's Green, London)

Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Frampton, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Gazette, Red 19

General Information:

SE - W. Pickford - Londiani - Sept 1910
Very well known in Naivasha. One time Pres. Naivasha Farmers' Ass.
Red 22 - Vice-President, Naivasha District Farmers' Association
Red Book 1912 - W. Pickford - Eldama Ravine - Naivasha Province - DC at Naivasha
Gazette 19/5/1920 - Resignation as District Commissioner on grounds of health accepted
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - W. Pickford - Farmer - Naivasha and Helen Mary Pickford - Married - Naivasha [but in 1911 census she is married to John Percival Pickford, jeweller b. 1872 Islington, with dau. Helen Joan.]
Red 25 - Hon. Treasurer & Secretary, Naivasha & District Farmers' Association
Naivasha cemetery: Wilfred Pickford / died 23rd December 1933 / aged 66
Blue Book 1915 appt 1 Mar 1909
Nat Probate Calendar at time of death lived at 'Sterndale' Naivasha

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