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Name: PORDAGE, Frederick Richard (Major)

Birth Date: 18 Apr 1865 Southwark, London
Death Date: 28 Jan 1912 Entebbe, apoplexy
Nationality: British
First Date: 1890
Last Date: 1912
Profession: Civil engineeer. Joined IBEA Co. in 1890 & was Consulting & Sanitary Engineer for Zanzibar Govt. in 1893. Transferred to Uganda Admin. in 1895 & later became Director of Public Works, Uganda.
Area: Entebbe
Married: 1. E. b. 1866; 2. In Lowestoft 27 Dec 1903 Anna Richardson b. 1874 Camerton, Somerset, d. 1946 St Lucia, W. Indies
Children: Lorna Frederica Jpsephine (1907 Brighton, d. St Lucia)
Book Reference: Gillett, Hobley, Fitzgerald, Matson, EAHB 1905, EAS, North, EA Diary 1903, Drumkey, Web, IBEA, UJ, EAHB 1906, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, Intelligencer
School: Queen Eliz. Grammar School, London, Jesus College Cambridge, St. Pierre Eglise & Coll. of Civil Eng. Montbourg, France
General Information:
Asst. Engineer Melbourne Water Works 1886-88 & from 1888-90 was in Karachi with engineering firm of Scott & Mackenzie.
Hobley - 1896 - Mumias - A large caravan conducted by Mr Pordage marched in and confirmed the information regarding the killing of 'Trader Dick'.
Fitzgerald - Observations of the variations in the level of Victoria Nyanza at Port Alice 1896
Matson - Filled the vacancy in the district administration caused by J.M. de Winton's resignation. Engaged for dhow building and public works at Entebbe
EAHB 1905 - IBEA Co. General Africa Staff - appointed 1890. Articled to Civil Engineering, City of London, 1881-86; Passed Science and art departments (South Kensington) examination; advanced in building construction and architectural drawing, 1886; Assistant Engineer, Melbourne Water Works in Sydney and Brisbane, Australia 1886-88; Construction Manager, Messrs. Scott Mackenzie and Co. Engineers, Karachi, India 1888-90; Superintendent Public Works Dept., IBEA Co., Mombasa, Aug. 1890 to Jan. 1893; Consulting and Sanitary Engineer, Zanzibar Govt. 1893-95; assistant, Uganda Administration 1895; Superintendent Public Works Dept. 1899; Uganda Mutiny Medal.
The African Standard - 26-2-1903 - Invited to the wedding of H.R. Phelips & Miss Jacquette Edith Lambe in Mombasa
North - IBEA Co. - Engineer - resigned from IBEA Co. & arr. Zanzibar from Mombasa 10/8/1892; Set up as Consulting Engineer, Zanzibar; Zanzibar Government Sanitary Engineer by March 1893; engaged by Smith, Mackenzie & Co. to transport steamer parts to Lake Victoria; 16/6/1895 dep. for Uganda, arr. Kikuyu 4/11/1895; Appt. 2nd Class Asst. UP 11/1/1896, to be paid from Aug 1895; dep. Zanzibar for Bombay to recruit clerks in India 26/3/1896; arr. Zanzibar with clerks & artisans 27/6/1896; arr Kampala 28/8/1896; travelled to Buddu Jan 1897; Port Alice Sept. 1897; Kampala Feb 1898; home leave 1898/9; Public Officers Game Licence issued 18/4/1899; Acting Supt. Public Works UP at March 1900, full appt. 1/4/1901; 'a good-natured rough diamond … a very handy man, his accomplishments included the ability to extract teeth' Ternan 1930
Web - Warriors in Heart of Darkness by Dennis Bishop - Nandi ambushes - 1895 - Another well armed caravan under F. Pordage of 160 men were threatened by a large Nandi kiptaiyat on October 13 at their camp on the Kamasai River. During the night of October 14-15 the camp was surrounded by Nandi warriors, but Pordage was up to the task and ordered three volleys fired into the darkness by his askari. The result was the confirmation of 2 dead Nandi and several blood trails. After leaving Guasa Masa, 10 Sudanese askari joined the caravan on the 15th and when the Pordage caravan camped, several Nandi were discovered attempting to set fire to the grass surrounding the caravan.
IBEA Co. - Nominal List of British Born Subjects resident in IBEA Territories within the Sultan's Domain, 30 April 1891 - Fred Pordage, Supt. Public works
EAS - 22/1/1903 - The large new house which has been in course of construction for some time past for H.M. Commissioner is at last nearing completion …… Mr Pordage is to be congratulated on the efficient manner in which the work has been carried out.
EAS - 22/1/1903 - Mr F. Pordage leaves to meet Sir William Garstin and accompany him to Jinja
Uganda Journal - Vol. 2 No. 2 - Further Memories of Uganda by Sir Albert Cook - Fred Pordage … The very mention of his name recalls the man, dead alas! Now for over 20 years, he set his mark on Uganda. I can still see him reconstructing the Fort on Old Kampala Hill during the Mutiny, and hear in imagination his cheerful cry of "Jo 'apa" to the workmen. Neither languages nor aspirates were among his strong points but good humour and kindliness were. I remember a Government official, coming out new to the country in the old 'safari' days, was told that he would probably meet Pordage on his way up country. On asking how he should recognize him he was told to look out for a very friendly man. On crossing the Athi plains he met a down-country caravan in which was being carried a litter with a sick Muzungu in it. On approaching it a hand was thrust forth from under the awning and a feeble voice said: "I don't know 'oo you are, but any'ow, 'ow are you?" He concluded rightly that it was F.P. He was seldom ruffled, but once his feelings got the better of him. It was when the railway was half way up to Uganda and complaints of thefts were common. Pordage and his friends were wishful to replenish their supply of stimulants and to safeguard the contents of a case of whisky had it labelled only "Medical Comforts". In due time the box arrived, apparently intact and of due weight but alas! On being opened it contained only coal, the contents having been abstracted and replaced by lumps of coal, which was used on the engines in those days. He had called together a party of friends to celebrate the occasion and their feelings of disgust can better be imagined than described.
Uganda Journal - Vol. 2 No. 2 - Further Memories of Uganda by Sir Albert Cook - In the closing months of 1901 a good cart-road from Entebbe to Lake Albert was commenced. On that road enormous numbers of labourers worked doing one month in lieu of the Rs. 3/- hut tax. Mr Pordage, Mr Ormsby and Quartermaster Ramsay supervised the construction.
IBEA - General Africa Staff - Appointed 19th August 1890
Intelligencer - Journal of Rev H.K. Binns - 12th November 1890 - Went with the ladies to afternoon tea at Sir Francis de Winton's, Mombasa to meet Mrs Pordage, the only lady connected with the Company.
EAHB 1905 - Supt. of Public Works, Entebbe
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