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Name: PRICE, John Charles (Rev.)
Birth Date: 1855
Death Date: 23.1.1895 Mpwapwa, blackwater fever
Nationality: British
First Date: 1879
Last Date: 1895
Profession: Church Missionary Society missionary, established their first station at Mpwapwa in 1876 & Mamboya in 1880, Mpwapwa in 1890.
Area: Mpwapwa, Mamboya
Book Reference: Gillett, Tucker, North, CMS
General Information:
Tucker - The world has heard little of J.C. Price, but a truer hero never lived. He had served for 10 years with only one visit home. 8 or 9 weeks later he died of blackwater fever.
North - From Taunton; aged 24, dep. for EA 31/7/1879; Mpwapwa, Usagara, dep. for England April 1886; dep. for EA 11/5/1887 Mpwapwa; sec. Usagara District 1891-2; d. 23/1/1895 Mpwapwa blackwater fever
CMS 1879 - Age 24. Of Taunton. 1876 Prep. Instn. and CM Coll. 1879 Trin. Sunday Deacon by Bishop of London; 1885, June 14 Priest by Bishop Hannington. 1879, July 31 to Mpwapwa, Usagara, EA; 1886, April, to England; 1887 May 11 to E. Eq. Africa - Mpwapwa; 1891-92 Secretary for Usagara District. During the times of trouble and peril in 1889-90, when the Mission buildings were destroyed, declined with Henry Cole, E.A. Fitch and A.N. Wood) the urgent solicitations of the Consular authorities to retire to the coast, and remained at his post. 1895, Jan 23, died at Mpwapwa.
Tucker - one of the most devoted missionaries who ever laboured in Africa