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Name: SHEAD, Ernest Edward
Birth Date: 13 Aug 1897 Stanford le Hope, Essex
Death Date: 1970 Thurrock
First Date: 1926
Profession: Port Office, foreman 1926, clerk
Area: Kilindini
Married: In Woolwich 1928 Eveline L. Hoath b. 22 Jan 1904 Plumstead, d. 1970 Thurrock
Children: Geoffrey Robert (6 Sep 1929 Lewisham-31 Dec 2020 Brentwood, Essex)
Book Reference: Red 31
War Service: 2nd Life Guards
General Information:
1939 England and Wales Register living with wife in Thurrock as general ?navvy, heavy worker
Brit. Army WW1 Pension Records In 1916 he was a worker in an explosives factory