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Name: RAY, Mervyn Swire

Nee: son of James Frederick Ray

Birth Date: 20.4.1891 Kensington, London

Death Date: 3.3.1981 Naivasha

First Date: 1906

Profession: Together with his wife developed Tulaga Farm, South Kinangop for over 55 years. President of the Oxford & Cambridge Society - 1943.

Area: South Kinangop, 1925 'Numjoro', Naivasha, 1912 Nunjoro > Tulaga Farm partner with Persee Romney Sheep

Married: Norah Kate Fey b. 8 Oct 1886 Melbourne, Australia, d. 1968 Nakuru (dau of Ernest Fey)

Children: Evelyn Mary (31.1.1914 Nairobi-19.7.2004 Naivasha, married Edward Humphrey Nightingale, farmer on the Kinangop); Eric Geoffrey Mervyn (4 June 1920 Kampala-22 Feb 1945 Mount Kenya)

Book Reference: Gillett, O&C, Frampton, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Pembroke, Red 22, Stud, Gazette, Campling, Naivasha, Web, Red 19

War Service: Served with EAMR in WW1 - MGS 11/9/14 - 24/12/14

School: Cordwalles School Maidenhead, Uppingham, Jesus College Cambridge 1910-13

General Information:

KAD 1922 - Committee Member, Naivasha Sports Club
Red 25 - Secretary and Treasurer, Naivasha Sports Club; President, Kenya Poultry Club
Pembroke - Mervyn Ray Esq., Judge at Pembroke House Sports 1932
Red 22 - Hon. Treasurer, Naivasha District Farmers' Association
EA Stud Book 1954 - Cattle - Guernseys - Mervyn S. Ray, Tulaga Farm, Naivasha
EA Stud Book 1954 - Cattle - Shorthorns - Mervyn S. Ray, Tulaga Farms, Naivasha
EA Stud Book 1954 - Sheep - Romney Marsh - Mervyn S. Ray, Tulaga Farm, Naivasha - careful breeding and selection for 44 years
EA Stud Book 1954 - Pigs - Large Whites - Mervyn S. Ray, Tulaga Farms, Naivasha
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Naivasha - M.S. Ray (British), Settler, Naivasha
Naivasha - About 1912 Ray made the first road from his farm at Nunjoro to Naivasha, and for years this was the only one to the North Kinangop. All farm produce such as butter, milk and eggs was transported to Naivasha on foot and sold to the inmates of the Boma who were numerous as Naivasha was then the Headquarters of a large area under the administration of a Provincial Commissioner, District Commissioner, Asst. District Commissioner and the Police and Public Works Dept. On one occasion an African bearing, among other things, a biscuit tin packed with eggs was charged by a rhino and killed. The biscuit tin was found squashed flat as a plate having been stamped on by the rhino. Later produce was packed into sixty pound wooden boxes and railed to Nairobi. A well known Kikuyu chief used to visit the Rays sometimes. He was a grand old man and as refreshment he partook of a glass of neat brandy.
In later years when there had been a change of servants the Chief called and the servant was told to bring him a brandy. Not knowing the custom he brought him a normal tot with water, over which the old man made a frightful face, so the mistake was quickly rectified. On another occasion he arrived with a very young, pretty Kikuyu girl. Ray remarked, "That is a pretty daughter you have." The Chief replied, "Ho, that's not my daughter, that's my wife."
When the Martin Johnsons were making a film many years later near Ndabibi, Martin and Osa were parked near their car with all their cameras at the ready, and Osa with a gun in case of accident. Ray was assisting to drive a pride of lions across their front. When it was all over he asked Osa if she had seen them properly, she quickly replied, "Lions, they popped like chickens out of a coop!".
Naivasha - post WW1 - Later there followed a golf course laid out by Mervyn Ray and Falconer-Taylor. The first tee was between the church and the old DC's house, and the course lay around the Bell Inn and Bombay Trading Company.
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - M.S. Ray - Farmer - Naivasha and Norah R. Ray - Married - Naivasha
Red Book 1919 - District Committees - Naivasha - Mervyn Ray
KAD 1922 - Hon. Treasurer, Naivasha & District Farmers' Association
Gazette 21 Aug 1981 probate
Nakuru North cemetery Inscription: Norah Ray / 1887 [sic on tombstone] - 1968 / Nornie

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