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Name: HANDLEY, Lawrence
Birth Date: 3 Sep 1887 Douglas, Isle of Man
Death Date: 14 Jan 1970 Kyrenia, Cyprus
First Date: 1914
Profession: Police
Married: 1. In London 10 June 1918 Eunice Hamilton Douglas Moore b. 1895 Castletown, Isle of Man, d. 18 Feb 1960 Winchester; 2. Audrey Mary b. 1908
Children: Diana Elizabeth (1941)
Book Reference: EAMR, Red 22, Gazette, Medals, LG
War Service: WW1 with EAMR A Sqdn. 2/9/14 - 10/12/14 - To EA Police Mil. Battn.
General Information:
Red 22 - Capt. L. Handley, A.S.P., Ankole, Mbarara
Gazette - 11/8/1915 - Appt. - EA Police (Military Service Battalion) - To be Lieutenant - Tpr. Laurence Handley, EAMR
Medals - East African Political Department - EAMR, No. 53, Private
London Gazette - 1 May 1917 - Despatch from the Governor of the EA Protectorate bringing to notice the undermentioned names for valuable services during the operations against the Turkana, a tribe resident on the Northern Frontier of the East Africa and Uganda Protectorates, whose open hostility to government since the outbreak of war rendered a punitive expedition necessary. - Lieutenant L. Handley, Police Service Battalion
Gazette - 18/7/1917 - Honours - Mentioned in Despatches - Lieut. L. Handley, Police Service Battalion