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Name: ALLEN, Thomas W.

Death Date: 1898 Nzawi, malaria

Nationality: American

First Date: 1896

Last Date: 1898

Profession: Africa Inland Mission - at Nzawi, Ukamba 1896 with his wife and running mission at Kilunga 1896. His widow was at Tsavo in 1898 returning to the USA, ill.

Area: Nzawi, Kilunga

Book Reference: North, Grasshoppers, UJ, Watt

General Information:

Grasshoppers - Jacob Toole died followed by Tom Allen. Soon Mrs Allen and Minnie Lindbergh fell ill and Willis [Hotchkiss] struggled with them to the new railway terminus, Kinani, and on to Mombasa where he helped the ladies board a ship. As they drew away from the quay, he painfully recalled disembarking with 15 others two and a half years before; all so full of hope. Now, he only remained.
Uganda Journal Vol 1 No 2 - Cook - The Journey to Uganda in 1896 - …….At Nzawi we found a small African Inland Mission station with a Mr & Mrs Allen, working among the Wakamba. They were in desperate straits, continually suffering from fever, their quinine having run out, and the man suffering from a distressing malady but one curable by operation. We replenished their stock of quinine, and with Miss Timpson's aid (she was the first qualified nursing sister in the country) operated on the man and left him comfortable. Nine months later he wrote a long letter to me expressing his gratitude but saying that their mission had been almost wiped out by blackwater fever. Another hand added a postscript "Since writing the above our dear brother has succumbed to blackwater fever".
Watt - 'we welcomed to Akamba some Missionaries from the United States, who settled down on the south-eastern boundary of the country. The leader of the band was Mr Peter Scott. Unfortunately the district in which he built his station was rather unhealthy and the natives thinly scattered. We gave to Mr Scott a hearty invitation to come further inland, near to our district, where the population was more dense and the climate less trying. The result was that he commenced work within a day's march of our Mission Station. His constitution had been already much weakened, and very soon he and another Missionary, named Allen, were smitten with fever, and passed away to their reward, and, sad to say, the Mission ultimately declined.'


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