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Name: HANNINGTON, James Edward Meopham (Rev.)
Nee: eldest son of Bishop James Hannington
Birth Date: 2 Dec 1877 Hurstpierpoint
Death Date: 27.4.1950 Hurstpierpoint
Nationality: British
First Date: 1903
Profession: CMS Uganda - Busoga Mission; Iganga 1904
Area: Busoga, Iganga
Married: In Uganda 11 Apr 1906 Edith Isabel Swift b. 1 Feb 1877, d. 18 Nov 1960 Hurstpierpoint
Children: James Rigby (18 Jan 1907 Uganda-3 Jan 1942 Singapore); another son; dau.
Book Reference: North, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, UJ, CMS, EAHB 1907, Alumni Cantabrigiensis
School: Pembroke Coll, Cambridge, Ridley Hall
General Information:
Drumkey 1909 - CMS Uganda - Jinja, Usoga
Uganda Journal - Vol 33, pp. 210 - J.E.M. Hannington (1877-1950), the eldest child of Bishop Hannington, was a CMS missionary in Uganda from 1903 to 1918. He was stationed at Jinja in 1913. Busoga was then at the nadir of its misfortunes. In 10 years sleeping sickness and famine had reduced southern Busoga from one of the most fruitful regions of Eastern Africa to an uninhabited jungle. The site of the Bishop's death, nearly 30 troubled years before, was in danger of being lost. His son determined to re-locate it and an account of his search is to be found in 'Church Missionary Review' October 1913, p. 640
CMS - 1903 - Age 26. Of Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Born at Hurstpierpoint. King Henry VIII Sch. Coventry; Pembroke Coll. and Ridley Hall, Camb; BA 1899, MA 1903. 1900 Dec. Deacon and 1901 Dec. Priest by Bp. Newcastle. Curate of Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1902 Dec 16 Accepted as Missionary CMS. 1903 Nov 17 Depart for Uganda Mission - Busoga - Kamuli. 1904 May Iganga. Son of Bishop James Hannington. {Roy Dunstan Note - Died 1950}